Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cyberpets, Then & Now

Most people think cyberpet and think Neopets or some privately owned adoption site like Dragon Cave or one of the various Pokemon places that make the images and sprites interactive via Flash, PHP, Ajax, etc.  It USED to be and partially still is that online pets are essentially images of people and creatures that you claim for your own online pet, give names to, pretend to breed, and roleplay with.  It's harmless fun (for the most part and if you can keep clear of the extreme fandoms) and I've been creating them for a long time now.

These creatures have been mixed and matched with your online fun for a long time now.  Here's a simple description of each kind of pet you might encounter.

Interactive Pets:
Pets that are attached to some kind of website using code that allow you to pretend feed, breed, play with, and level up (like an RPG character) via clicking and asking for other players to help.  There are even sites now that provide the code ready-made for you like Squiby and My Adopts where all you do is supply the images and stages and the provider does the rest.

"Click-to-Feed" is where users use mouse clicks to level, feed, and play with a pet by choosing one of a few simple actions.  It's a little like the old Tamagotchi method where you get simple commands and watch the numbers go up.  Some people prefer this over more complex interaction.  Examples of this method are Dragon Cave and Pokefarm, though recently even these sites add a little more add-ons and things to do during seasonal events and holidays.

Facebook applications have also used this for games like Pet Society where you create a creature, level it up, house it and purchase items for it using a virtual form of game currency.

Non-Interactive Pets:
The simplest, easiest to create and obtain form of pet is the "click-and-take".  It's a premade image that's in the form of a basic image file (jpg, gif, or png) that you save to your own computer, reupload to a website and provide a link back to its original creator.  Deviant Art seems to have adopted a form of this where collectors purchase pets either with real or virtual currency.

Some adoptable Groups on Deviant Art:
Some forums handle interactions by allowing your pet to grow/evolve via text-based role play with friends and other pet owners using a specified forum thread or that thread's designated guild forum.  Gaia Online pet shops use this often in their Breedables subforum.  Applications are submitted to a shop owner/assistant for things like breedings and new stages.

Growing Pets:
Both interactive and non-interactive pets can have stages from egg/baby to child to teen/adolescent to adult.  It's entirely optional.  I didn't start making/coloring growing pets until I joined Gaia Online in 2003.  My pets are usually single stage pets where even the offspring are single stage unless I'm planning on trading them for online/virtual currency via Gaia.

As an Art Form:
All this is entirely up to you as far as making, selling, and creating your own pets are involved.  Don't let anyone tell you it has to be one way or the other.  Mix it up and if you don't enjoy making them, chances are your pet adoptable will be short lived.  If it's a simple distraction or something you plan to make a little real money on, be sure to let your adopters know exactly how you plan on using, distributing your pets right from the get-go to avoid a few conflicts later on.

You're always going to get that one person who's never satisfied and who will try to get you change your designs over and over just to please them.  Draw the line somewhere or you'll never be able to move on to the next project.  Lay down your rules as clearly as possible to avoid things like that and stick to them.  Unless there's a big, obvious flaw in your system, you should be able to have a lot of fun and gain a little more exposure by making cyberpets.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Haven't updated in a while. D:  I'm lousy about keeping up blogs.  I always have been, my Deviant Art one is just as bad and the one I made for my official website's been collecting dust for centuries.  Do people even use their personal websites for anything other than slapping a blog into it these days?  With Facebook, things like personal and professional websites are probably getting just as neglected than mine.

Lately my current projects include making some digital, printable designs for Etsy to see if I can get some scrapbook/paper craft interests and making felt toys to see if I can get soft sculpture interest.  I've only used sheets of felt and embroidery floss with simple chain and blanket stitches.  One day I'll be brave enough to learn French knots and fancier stitches.  I think I've got the hang of getting blanket stitches even all around a border and I've made three creature designs from scratch.

I made two Dotee dolls last year and those are still sitting there unsold, so I'm not sure that's going to go anywhere.  There seems to be more interest in my felt stuffies so I'll see if I can sell a few of the spare ones I've made.  I usually make a set of each new animal type I create.  I've made fish, owls, and manta rays so far.  Today I'm going to make some templates and attempt something for spring and something for my father-in-law's birthday.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I told you!

I can't keep a journal or a blog to save my life.  I don't know how people can post every day, besides.  I'm fairly boring. XDD

In other news, Guild Wars 2 beta weekend's been producing a lot of new information and videos! I AM EXCITE! 8V  I can't wait to start playing it on my own, though I suspect I won't be playing right away because I'll have a little munchkin to take care of.  That doesn't mean the hubby can't play, though, so I'll just annoy the heck out of him and back-seat drive.  LoL!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

So it's the New Year!

2012... the FUTURE!  No flying cars, but not sure I want flying cars more than I'd like to see a few awesome robots doing awesome things.  I've always liked robots, it's something I thought of when I thought of "the future".  All this doomsday hooplah can go get stuffed, give me high tech lights, sounds, and robots.

I don't get why people want the world to end, right when things are getting interesting.  And by interesting, I mean in a whole mess of ways both good and bad.  Climate change, biological changes, and my life's about to turn a corner.  Being a mom is going to be a real trip, I can tell that already.  Having someone call me "Mommy" and eventually "Mom" is going to be a real strange feeling.  The cats just call me "meow", but it's a step in the right direction.

What are my hopes for this year?  To survive the year!  I can't think too far ahead because I'll get overwhelmed, but there are some awesome games to look forward to.  I think even with a baby, I'll find time to enjoy good games.  Guild Wars 2, for a start!  I'm sooooo excited for Guild Wars 2, even if I don't get to play it right away my hubby can play it for me and YouTube will probably be flooded with some awesome game play.  I'm kind of also looking forward to the glitches... 8B  I can't help it.  Ever since the alpha and beta days of Ragnarok Online, I've found that being the first to discover interesting glitches and bug reporting to be fun.  You can't tell me there won't be game breakers.  When the original Guild Wars was first implemented, there were grammatical errors, nationalization errors, and plain old bugs.

If you've never heard or played the cinematics for Guild Wars using the other language packs, you really should.  Some of it is hilarious when you're used to the character sounding one way and she ends up sounding another when her language is swapped.  Hearing "Koss" from the Nightfall expansion speak in Spanish was a riot.

I'm not sure why, but I really like Chinese New Year.  It's got its own set of traditions, colors, sounds and Guild Wars also implements it into their Factions expansion by calling it "Canthan New Year".  This year, the lunar animal will be the dragon, so I'm probably guessing it'll have the salt spray dragon skin done in stars much like the Celestial Dragon summon from the summoning stone.

Ooooh, a reskin of the Skyrim dragons done in stars would kick ass!