Here are some basic gaming definitions, if you're not used to talking this way or playing games. This comic explains an adult's experience far better than I can when it comes to online games.
Noob/nub/newb/n00b = "Newbie", sometimes derogatory, meaning you're not playing up to someone else's standards or that you don't know how everything works well enough.
LFG = Looking for group or guild.
PVP = Player vs. Player.
GR = Guild recruiting.
PVE/PVM = player vs. everything, player vs. monster.
WTB/WTS = Want to Buy, Want to Sell. The trading of items in games from one player to another.
AI = Artificial intelligence. Monsters and NPC's and mercenary/hero type creatures have varying types.
NPC = Non-playing character. Typically a character who isn't played by a real person that aids (or is a big pain in the rear) in a mission or side quest.
Aggro = Aggressive creatures who will attack when your character(s) come within sight.
Skyrim Related Terms
"Skyrim" is a game put out by Bethesda, one of the latest in the "Elder Scrolls" line of games where you essentially play an angry little dude/chick from out of town who gets caught up in the affairs of the local townsfolk and inevitably receive dragons chewing on your face as often as possible.
Fus(h) Ro Dah - The "Unrelenting Force" skill that uses the power of your voice to knock back and damage an enemy. The stronger it is, the more crap you scatter all over the place.
Dovahkiin - It means "Dragonborn".
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