<3 <333 8V D: D8 8D 8B LoL
They are the secret code of the Illuminati! 8V No, not really, they're emoticons and emotes that I've picked up from all over the damn place. The faces are called smilies/emoticons. They're little faces to depict a mood since it's so hard to tell when people are serious or silly on the intarwebz.
"LoL", "lol", "LAWL" = laugh out loud, "lawl" meaning saying the abbreviation as if it were a word
LMAO, LMFAO, ROTFLMAO/ROFL/ROFLMAO = laughing my ass off, laughing my fucking ass off, rolling on the floor laughing my ass off, some people make it "clean" or cutsie with LMBO: laughing my butt off
<3 and <333 = Love and MUCH LOVE
8V and 8U = Chicken/Duck face; I use it to show that I'm being facetious or sarcastic.
D: and D8 = Unhappy and shocked or upset. "8" usually denotes eyes bugging out.
:D and 8D = Happy and really happy.
8B = wide eyed and bucktoothed, being silly/stupid.
And the Japanese emotes are totaled by the hundreds. I won't go into detail about all of them, but here are some basic ones.
ono = two "o" eyes and an "n" for an unhappy mouth, sad with pouting mouth.
ovo = happy "v" mouth
ouo = happy "u" mouth
-_-; = the "-" denotes closed eyes, and the lower "_" denotes a serious line mouth. ";" is a drop of sweat, meaning defeat.
@_@, @n@, @o@ = dizzy "@" eyes and various mouth expressions.
¬_¬ = a sidelong stare, used for things like a conspiratory glance, an angry glare, sarcasm.
One of my favorites is the flipping the tea table emote. It just means being really angry or frustrated to the point where you overturn everything on the table, disturbing things that were at peace. General chaos. It comes in all sorts of flavors.
(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
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